Case study

Executive summary

Axens Horizon studied the feasibility of a biorefinery based on the two following selected technologies from Axens’ bio-fuel portfolio:

  • Futurol™: converting lignocellulose biomass into second-generation (2G) Ethanol through hydrolyses and fermentation,
  • Vegan®: converting renewable oils and fats into bio-fuels through hydro treatment and hydro isomerization, in this case renewable diesel and jet fuel.

Each configuration was considered and designed as a standalone complex (independent and including Outside Battery Limits (OSBL) units such as pretreatment, auxiliaries, utilities, etc.) and in the proximity of its corresponding biomass source in Africa.

The results of the study revealed the viability of both complexes and showed the main features and advantages of each complex allowing MGH to decide for the next step.

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