Case study

Executive summary

  • Axens Horizon conducted Master Plan and Feasibility studies for SASA’s short-term and long-term investment plans for a petrochemical complex and port facilities in A dana, Yumurtalik, leading to multi-billion investments by 2031, with a first stage of investment in 2020. The studies have shown very promising ROI.

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The Challenge

SASA, who began its activities in the polyester sector in 1966,

is now a leading producer in the world for polyester staple fibers, filament yarns, polyester-based and specialty polymers and intermediates.

SASA’s short-term and long-term objectives

are to secure the feedstocks for the existing yet expanding PET operations (PTA and MEG currently being imported) and then to extend its production to new petrochemical products.

Targeting world scale petrochemical

production plants in a cyclic market, tight competition, and complex environmental and regulatory contexts requires upfront and meticulous evaluations of the feasibility.


In order to successfully perform such a substantial Master Plan Scope, Axens Horizon relied on a comprehensive and incremental methodology in the frame of local and international partnership

Based on a 10-year project execution plan and 3 investment stages:

  • A local and international market study was performed to optimize the complex overall configuration taking into account the feedstock availability, market trends and constraints as well as SASA’s capacity targets.
  • For each of the production units, the various process technologies were evaluated and potential licensors were identified.
  • After development of project’s ISBL (Inside Battery Limits) and OSBL (Outsite Battery Limit) preliminary preliminary designs for cost estimation purpose, the project financial model was established and several sensitivity analysis were performed in order to check the robustness of the overall investment.

Focus was brought to the first stage of investment which involved a 1,500 KTA PTA plant and a 700 KTA MEG plant and their associated auxiliaries and offsite plants. Detailed cost estimation, project execution and financial calculations were reprised in coordination with the selected licensors.


Axens Horizon leadership in this Master Plan study enabled SASA to obtain not only the overall picture of the envisaged investment plan but also the detailed results and necessary information for the first and immediate investment phase in less than a year.

In the course of the study, the Environmental and Social Impact Assessments were launched and new finalized. The leveled and consolidated capital requirement of the first phase of the project is now in the hand of financial institutions and advisory firms. The first PTA and MEG plants are planned to be in operation by 2023.

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